Background Satoshi Gallery

Satoshi Gallery


From late 2021 to early 2022, Milan Webionics developed Satoshi Gallery, an artistic website for an Italian artist. Using Nuxt.js and Laravel, the site features a 3D-enhanced online gallery and event reservation system. The project successfully showcased artworks and boosted client engagement and satisfaction.

Satoshi Gallery


From the end of 2021 to the start of 2022, Milan Webionics developed the Satoshi Gallery website for an Italian artist. This project highlights our ability to create unique, artistic platforms that showcase our clients' exceptional work.

Project Goals

The primary objectives for the Satoshi Gallery project were to:

  • Create an online gallery to display all artworks in one place.
  • Inform clients about event times and allow them to reserve event tickets.
  • Develop a unique and artistic website that reflects the artist's distinctive style.

Design & Development

Our design team crafted a visually stunning and highly functional website for the Satoshi Gallery. Key design features included:

  • Specific 3D elements to showcase the artist's works.
  • Integration of the artist's unique art elements into the web design.
  • A first impression that captivates visitors with its artistic layout.

On the development side, we used Nuxt.js for the frontend and Laravel for the backend. Important features included:

  • An online gallery where clients can view all artworks together.
  • An event reservation system that allows clients to book tickets for gallery events.
  • A schedule of events taking place in multiple countries.


The launch of the Satoshi Gallery website resulted in:

  • Successful ticket sales and event reservations through the website.
  • Consolidation of all artworks in one accessible online gallery.
  • High client satisfaction with the design and functionality of the website.

Client Feedback

The artist expressed great satisfaction with the project, praising the unique design and the effective integration of 3D elements. The website's first impression was particularly noted for its artistic appeal.

At Milan Webionics, we are dedicated to bringing our clients' visions to life through innovative design and meticulous development. The Satoshi Gallery project exemplifies our commitment to excellence in digital solutions.

Explore the Satoshi Gallery to see our work in action and discover how Milan Webionics can elevate your brand's online presence.